It was pretty cute... and I lol'd at the pyramid head part :D
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It was pretty cute... and I lol'd at the pyramid head part :D
absolutely loved it... everything seemed so professional, the animation, sounds, voice acting, story, this is far one of the most "professional" things I've seen on Newgrounds
This made me lol
omg... his flash was like the Indiana Jones movie D:... lol
Indianna Jones Movie?? Now that makes ME lol. Thanks for the awesome hee he... I mean (ahem) awesome... ha ha ho.. sorry I can't help myself ROFL XD
Ahem... right where were we... yes Thanks for the review!
My god... everything said here is soooooooooooo true... I mean the whole reason I kept watching was for that chick... great parody
This is your best yet... thought the love part was cheesy... but decent... and the animation was flawless... eagerly awaiting Bunnykill 5... and watching this a hundred times :D
Yeah I know, it was a bit cheesy. It's a good thing that's exactly what I was going for though :)
This video is soooooooooooooooooo cute... I want a stuffed animal version of lil' Hoot... I can see the relation with FlapJack... an annoying kid with a master teaching him... but all wants is sleep... but still soooooooooo awesome... and cute
I loved it
I couldn't help but love it... it was so retro... I didn't full get it... was he tripping out? Or was he just a dude with a really cool pair of shoes busting out of jail?
Loved it
That was gay... literally :D... naw... but really, I just loved it, it was so adorable
Joined on 4/18/09